Dans le dressing de Caroline Nougué

In Caroline Nougué's dressing room

This week, we wanted to introduce you to the story and the dressing room of...


One of the two founders of REASYKL. The one who holds the brand's magic wand, who guides the team on current trends and who creates communication content. Choice of outfits, strategy for social networks, flyers, packaging... nothing escapes her!

How do you define your style?

" I would say it is adaptable. I listen to myself, I listen to my desires, I listen to the temperatures, I listen to everything but I listen to myself above all! I love adding color and prints. I really like blouses , shirts with big collars... But I also like simple and effective things! "

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

It was hard to choose, I have a lot of pieces that I love even if I don’t wear them all the time. Finally I chose a vintage Yves St Laurent blazer that I wear very often that Marie and I wear very often! Our grandmother gave it to us. It is perfectly cut , cinched at the waist with pretty shoulder pads. »

What is your favorite brand?

It changes very often, I like a lot of brands. But at the moment I would say Laurance Bras and Antik Batik : I always find what I want there. Because I love blouses with big collars , sleeves with original details, and very elaborate embroidery. On REASYKL we offer a lot of them and it's because we LOVE it! »

What is the place of second-hand goods in your life?

" It has a very important place, already in my personal life because I have always loved rummaging . I have always loved spending hours finding nuggets . The effect it gives when you find THE piece you love is incredible! That's also why I wanted to share it with people who didn't have the same patience as me but who really wanted to buy second-hand . That's how we created REASYKL! »

Can we see your favorite second-hand item?

" It's a tweed jacket that I bought two or three years ago in a thrift store. I wear it very often and it has a huge effect. »

What do you look at first before buying a piece of clothing?

" It's the details of the piece, the seams, the sleeves. I find that detail really makes the difference whether it's on pieces or on people, that's what I like!"
Video in the dressing room of… Caroline Nougue in its entirety:
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